ASCENT Benchmarking Liaison Meeting / Performance Modeling and Design for MRAM and BEOL Technology Options


Location: webex

Performance Modeling and Design for MRAM and BEOL Technology Options •  Repeat session

1. Design and Benchmarking for Various Magnetic Memory Options 
2. A Comprehensive Benchmarking Framework for Back End of Line Technology

Presenters: Azad Naeemi's Group (Georgia Institute of Technology) 
Yu-Ching Liao
Victor Huang
Piyush Kumar 

2776.060: Modeling for Novel Materials, Devices, Interconnects and Packaging Solutions
2776.061: Benchmarking for Novel Materials, Devices, Interconnects and Packaging Solutions


This meeting is only available to the JUMP research community, such as Principal Investigators, Postdoc researchers, Students, and Industry/Government liaison