JUMP e-Workshop:Magnetic Manipulation Using Spin-Orbit Torque


Location: webex

Presenter: Prof. Dan. Ralph (Cornell) will give a status update about opportunities and challenges for using materials with strong spin-orbit coupling to generate current-induced spin-orbit torques for magnetic manipulation.  

Abstract: It is becoming clear that several mechanisms can contribute to spin-orbit torques, and that properly engineering the interface between the spin-orbit material and the magnetic layer can provide large benefits.  He will also give a brief overview of recent experiments in which they have integrated 2D materials into spin-orbit devices to explore new functionality, such as changing the orientation of the current-induced spins.

Bio: Dan Ralph is an experimental physicist, the F. R. Newman Professor of Physics at Cornell University and until recently the Director of the Cornell Nanofabrication Facility.  His research group and collaborators helped lead the discovery of spin-transfer torque and spin-orbit-torque for magnetic manipulation.  He also has interests in potential device applications of new quantum materials.

This e-Workshop is only available to the JUMP research community, such as Principal Investigators, postdoc researchers, students, and corporate sponsors. ASCENT is one of six JUMP centers administered by SRC. For access to full program information, please go to src.org. Thank you for interest in ASCENT.


This e-Workshop is only available to the JUMP research community, such as Principal Investigators, postdoc researchers, students, and corporate sponsors. ASCENT is one of six JUMP centers administered by SRC. For access to full program information, please go to src.org. Thank you for interest in ASCENT.