JUMP e-Workshop: Spiking Neural Networks


Location: webex


Prof. Suman Datta, (Notre Dame) "Efficient Learning and Inferencing with Spiking Neurons"

Dr. Sourav Dutta, (Notre Dame) "Stochastic Spiking Neural Networks"

Prof Asif Kahn, (Georgia Tech) "Spiking neural networks with excitatory and inhibitory connections"

Prof. Arijit Raychowdhury, (Georgia Tech) "Beyond Vision Processing: Spiking Neural Networks for Optimizations and Control"


This e-Workshop is only available to the JUMP research community, such as Principal Investigators, postdoc researchers, students, and corporate sponsors. ASCENT is one of six JUMP centers administered by SRC. For access to full program information, please go to src.org. Thank you for interest in ASCENT.